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Che was a murderer, fanatic and a terrorist; there is nothing honorable, decent or admirable about his sordid life, 

Then why do you see naive 'far-leftists" wearing Che t-shirts and hanging his poster, as if he was a hero? 

The communist and socialist influences in the democratic party are alive and well, in Hollywood, they want you to think Che was a hero. If Hitler had been a communist, Hollywood would have given him a pass for murdering innocent people. Make no mistake, Che Guevara was a murderer and terrorist! 

Castro had him execute people that opposed their politics, later Castro turned on him but Castro racked up 16,000+ murders, 100,000 imprisonments and 30,000 deaths of people trying to escape Castro's oppression. 

The liberal media wants to sanitize Castro and Guevara; Hollywood is churning out "Michael Moore type" movies, to cover up the true horror that these cold blooded killers have done. 

Wondering if Che is a socialist or a communist is as relevant as the favorite color of a pedophile. Che was about killing people that opposed his politics, holding the people of Cuba prisoner in their own country and giving government absolute control.


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